Outstanding Educator
Brooke Mohr

Brooke teaches at Medart Elementary School in Crawfordville, Florida. She is passionate about environmental awareness and teaching her students to care about the environment.

Outstanding Educator
Kyle Langille

Kyle is the principal at Bicentennial Elementary School in Nashua, New Hampshire, where she helped implement green initiatives and PLT resources in every grade.

Outstanding Educator
Doug Chapman

Doug is a fifth grade science teacher at Wolford Elementary School in McKinney, Texas. He encourages students to participate in environmental service-learning projects.

Outstanding Educator
Cindy Kilpatrick

Cindy Kilpatrick, the Environmental Science Facilitator at Oil City Magnet School in Oil City, Louisiana, coordinated more than 100 environmental field trips in one year,

Outstanding Educator
Rob Taylor

Rob Taylor is the Gifted and Talented Coordinator and Science Teacher for the elementary, middle, and high schools in Jay, Maine.