Outstanding Educator
Brooke Mohr

Brooke teaches at Medart Elementary School in Crawfordville, Florida. She is passionate about environmental awareness and teaching her students to care about the environment.

Outstanding Educator
Linda Jordan

Linda Jordan is a fourth grade teacher at Indian Rocks Christian School in Seminole, Florida, who also developed and facilitates a popular summer science camp.

Butterfly Gardens Come to Life

Sixteen schools across the country participated in the MonarchLIVE project to build butterfly gardens. Here are the stories of three of those schools.

Outstanding Educator
Debra Wagner

Debra Wagner uses PLT activities in her fourth grade at St. Paul Lutheran School in Lakeland, Florida, and helped her school become PLT-certified.

Outstanding Educator
Summer Zephyr

Summer Zephyr is a media specialist at A.D. Harris High School in Panama City, Florida, where she sponsors projects focused on native species.

Outstanding Educator
Michelle Hunter

Michelle Hunter teaches fourth grade at Shadeville Elementary School in Crawfordville, Florida, and organizes a school-wide, week-long environmental education unit.

Outstanding Educator
Florie Babcock

Florie Babcock is a professor of early childhood education at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, where her students adapt PLT lessons for use with preschoolers.