two young girls wearing masks running on grass outside

Socially-Distanced PLT Activities for Summer Camps

After the past year, kids need a way to get active and safely reconnect with friends and the outdoors. While PLT is relevant anytime, learn more about why it’s especially perfect for 2021 summer campers.

young boy draws a tree with colored pencils

21 Tree Art Projects for Young Learners

We’ve gathered a variety of art projects for Preschool through Grade 2 children involving handprints, mosaics, found objects such as sticks and leaves, and repurposed materials such as egg cartons to get students excited and thinking about trees.

Fallen tree in a forest

What Happens to Trees that Fall in the Forest

In dying, a tree plays an essential role in sustaining life around it. Here are some classroom activities to explore decomposition and how a fallen tree provides for other life in the forest.


Virtual Makeover: The Closer You Look

Colorado PLT Coordinator Danielle Ardrey shares how to adapt the PLT Activity “The Closer You Look” for remote instruction. Students will go outdoors or view pictures to take a closer look at trees and their parts.


Virtual Makeover: Sounds Around

Learn how to adapt our “Sounds Around” student activity for remote instruction, allowing students to tune in to the everyday sounds of nature from home or a nearby outdoor space.

Virtual Makeover: Looking at Leaves

Many PLT activities are easily adapted to virtual learning, as we illustrate in this new monthly feature in the Branch. Check out this adaptation for Looking at Leaves from Colorado’s PLT Coordinator