
teachers cheering“Grow a healthy, vibrant, and resilient Kansas through the power of environmental education.”

“Through the networking with other people in the state from PLT I have been able to get innovative ideas to teach students in different ways. I have a renewed excitement to teach science this year and in the next several years. I learned of many resources for teachers and have taken over the Kansas Green Schools project in our school.”

– Chelle Gaede, Kansas Elementary School Teacher

PLT workshops in Kansas

View our Workshop Calendar and sign up for an upcoming event.

Can’t make it to an in-person workshop?

We also offer online courses.

Want to learn more about PLT in Kansas?

Visit the Kansas PLT Website and contact your PLT State Coordinator: 

Laura Downey
Kansas PLT State Coordinator
Executive Director
Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education
2610 Clafin Road
Manhattan, KS 66502
Kansas Facebook   Kansas Twitter   Kansas YouTube
[email protected]