By analyzing case studies and describing some of the challenges and conflicts, students will learn about the importance to biodiversity of protected areas.
This is one of 3 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Biodiversity module. To get the activity, attend a training or purchase the module now from Below are some supporting resources for this activity.
STUDENT PAGES ![](/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/student_icon_green.png)
Download the copyright-free student pages that are included with this activity:
Protected Areas
RECOMMENDED READING ![](/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/books_icon_green.png)
Expand your students’ learning and imaginations. Help students meet their reading goals, while building upon concepts learned in this activity, with the following children’s book recommendations:
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ![](/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/magnifying_icon_green.png)
The following tools and resources may be used to enhance the activity.
Endangered Species Success Stories
Success Stories is an interactive map of the United States that documents the 40-year impact the Endangered Species Act (ESA) has had on preventing species extinction. Students in grade levels 6-12 can use this interactive map to learn more about endangered species. Developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the success stories map celebrates the accomplishments of conservation efforts under ESA. Read more about species brought back from the brink of extinction such as the Canada Lynx (WY), Swallow-tailed kite (GA), and the Casey’s June beetle (CA).
Sharing Space with Sea Otters
This Sea Otter Savvy music video, created by Wild Lens Inc. Eyes on Conservation, uses song to share the story of sea otters and how threats of hunting and climate change have impacted their migration pattern and population. The video also raises awareness of the threat that marine recreation causes sea otters while simultaneously teaching viewers about the importance of biodiversity and saving endangered species.
Animals at Risk from Climate Change Poster
This poster captures the complex interaction of biological traits and environmental conditions that cause a species to be susceptible to climate change. Thoroughly documented to studies from reliable sources, including the IUCN Climate Change Specialist Group, NASA, NOAA, the US EPA, and the IPCC, the poster features 25 animals that highlight the fundamental impacts of greenhouse gases—causes, effects and risk of extinction—on all forms of life on the planet.
12 Huia Birds
Do you know the story of the majestic vanished huia bird? It is one of the great tragedies in New Zealand conservation history. The story of this sacred bird with the curved beak and white-tipped tail feathers is one we can all learn from as we look to care for our environment today and in the years to come. Learn more about this special bird through interactive elements on each page of this richly illustrated story.
BioInteractive’s Science Education Resources
At BioInteractive, you can find hundreds of free multimedia resources for science education targeted to a high school and undergraduate audience. Topics range from evolution to ecology, to diversity of organisms and earth and environment, to biotechnology and the scientific process. The resources include apps, animations, videos, interactive tutorials, and virtual labs to help engage students and explain difficult scientific concepts. Videos range from short clips to short films (15 to 30 minutes long) to full-length lectures on a specific topic given by top scientists working at the cutting edge of scientific research—all supplemented by teacher guides and classroom activities.
WildLab Bird
A free app that can be downloaded onto any Apple device (try iBird Lite for Android). Use WildLab Bird to learn the basics of bird identification. This application uses audio, photographs, maps, and the process of elimination to help identify over 200 bird species. Sightings can also be entered into a national bird watching database for comparison.
Global Forest Watch
Global Forest Watch (GFW) is an interactive online forest monitoring and alert system designed to better visualize forest change across the globe. Developed by the World Resources Institute and partners, Global Forest Watch monitors forests across the world in near real time to show where trees are growing and disappearing. The system provides contextual data that fleshes out complex issues surrounding deforestation. It can be utilized by teachers for classroom demonstrations and activities, and by students for research.
Biointeractive’s Holiday Lectures on Science
Biointeractive’s Holiday Lectures on Science series brings current research into the classroom, bridging the gap between textbook science and real life science. The Biodiversity in the Age of Humans series asks powerful questions, such as: Are we witnessing a sixth mass extinction? What factors threaten ecosystems on land and in the sea? What are researchers doing to conserve biodiversity and ecosystems around the world? What tools do we have to avoid a global catastrophe? In six half-hour lectures, three leading scientists describe the state of biodiversity on our planet and how to face the great challenges that lie ahead.
Bears of the World: Interactive Range Map
Blue Raster and Bear Trust International’s interactive world map shows students and educators in grades 9-12 where eight different species of wild bears live. The map includes photos and facts on American and Asiatic black bears, brown bears, giant pandas, polar bears, sloth bears, and sun bears.