a bright purple creeping bellflower

All About Invasive Species

Did you know that February 24-28 is National Invasive Species Awareness Week? Take some time this month to introduce learners to what invasive species are, the threats they pose to the environment, and how to prevent them from spreading.

I am more than just a weed

I Am More Than Just a Weed

Explore the wonders of weeds with “I Am More Than Just a Weed” by Audra Azoury-Sommer, a book perfect for fostering a love for nature.

Digital Tools to Connect Your Students to Wildlife

One of the best ways to ensure future generations can enjoy our planet’s rich biodiversity is to raise awareness about the importance of conserving our natural world. World Wildlife Day aims to make that happen with an annual day of observance and call for wildlife conservation and education.

Bird sitting on a tree holding an insect in its mouth

Everything Is Connected: The Benefits of Native Bird, Insect, and Tree Species

Native species are essential to healthy ecosystems. These species have had years of evolution to adapt to weather, seasons, and other living things around them. Native birds and insects in particular keep our environments in balance. Take a look at the importance of native birds and insects in our natural environments and how we can introduce students to these concepts in tangible ways.

Red cardinal sitting on a fence

How to Introduce Students to Urban Birdwatching

Introduce kids to urban birdwatching and help them enjoy their immediate environments! Check out how to get started with urban birdwatching at your school, daycare, summer camp, or home, along with bird-themed activities that you can adapt for your classroom. 

The Walking Fish: recommended reading for grades 6-8

The Walking Fish

Use this book with grades 6-8 to emphasize several Science and Engineering Practices outlined in the Next Generation Science Standards.