bird sitting on a branch with worm in mouth

World Migratory Bird Day: Reflections on Home

What makes a home? Explore these resources (perfect for World Migratory Bird Day on May 13) by guest author Naamal De Silva of the American Bird Conservancy, and reflect on our relationships with birds, nature, and the idea of “home”.

Recommended Summer Reading for Forest Lovers

As the days stay sunny for longer, summer can be the perfect time for kids and adults to relax under their favorite tree and catch up on their reading lists. Explore some of our favorite all-ages books about forests and trees to connect with the natural world!

amara and the bats cover three kids holding signs with bats

Amara and the Bats

Halloween is a great time to think about bats and their vital role in our ecosystems. Follow Amara on her mission to bring bats to her local park and help people appreciate their importance. Use this children’s book to learn the truth about bats, and to share facts about these amazing–yet often misunderstood–creatures.

A Day in a Forested Wetland

Introduce biodiversity to young readers through this nonfiction picture book that explores a typical day for animals that call a soggy forest home.

The Walking Fish: recommended reading for grades 6-8

The Walking Fish

Use this book with grades 6-8 to emphasize several Science and Engineering Practices outlined in the Next Generation Science Standards.

there's a babirusa in my bathtub children's reading book

There’s a Babirusa In My Bathtub!

This children’s book for grades 2-5 introduces 13 exotic animals using a variety of witty, lively poems that makes learning about these unsung animals fun and exciting.