
“EEAI is working to maintain a vital Network that supports and advances Environmental Education throughout the state if Illinois.”

“PLT provides wonderful support through facilitators and resources that helped us fully implement this high-quality natural resources education into our Woodland Ecosystems Unit for all 4th grade educators and 9,500 students.”

– Kristin Camp, former Science Curriculum Coordinator, Champaign School District, Illinois

PLT workshops in Illinois

  • Early Childhood
  • K-8
  • Pre-Service
  • Focus on Forests
  • Midwest Forest
  • Climate Change PLT

Visit our Workshop Calendar and sign up for an upcoming event.

Featured Content from Illinois PLT

  • What is EEAI?
    • The Environmental Education Association of Illinois (EEAI) is a group of concerned citizens who are interested in educating people of all ages to the importance of understanding and protecting the environment.
  • The UDATE Newsletter and Membership
    • The UPDATE is a quarterly e-newsletter to assist members in their efforts to stay informed on issues, resources and opportunities related to environmental education.
  • Become a Member of EEAI
    • Membership benefits and services include: Professional development opportunities, Grants and funding, Quarterly newsletter, Regional and state-wide conferences.
  • EEAI Gear
    • Gear that makes an impact!

Can’t make it to an in-person workshop?

We also offer online courses.

Want to learn more about PLT in Illinois?

Visit the Illinois PLT Website and contact your PLT State Coordinator:

Michelle Ramos
Illinois PLT State Coordinator
Program Coordinator
Environmental Education Association of Illinois
1505 N Broadway Ave 
Urbana, IL 61801
Illinois Facebook   Illinois Twitter   Illinois YouTube
[email protected]