hands cupping flowing water

STEM: Water Wonders

World Oceans Day (June 8) is the perfect time to explore the water cycle. Take PLT’s Water Wonders activity a step further with these STEM-focused ideas. Students will learn more about the importance of water conservation, how we use and engineer water, and they’ll discover some water-focused careers.

children decorate a rain barrel

Rain Barrels and Lessons About Water

Bookmark these ideas for students to conduct investigations and learn about water conservation, plus tips for how to build your own rain barrel. This story highlights students in Kansas who calculated the amount of water their school uses, and the dollar savings in water bills after they installed rain barrels.


PLT GreenSchools Honored as 2019 Green Ribbon Schools

The awards acknowledge students, teachers, and administrators who reduce their school’s environmental impact and utility costs, improve health and wellness, and incorporate effective sustainability education.


See You on the Trail that Students Built!

With PLT GreenWorks! grants, students in Alabama, Indiana and Michigan took the lead to restore, design and build nature trails, learning about ecosystems and forest health.