Family Activity: Poet-Tree

young-boy-sitting-at-table-outdoors-with-exercise-bookPoetry offers children an opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas about the environment in creative and artistic ways.

Doing the Activity

Take children outdoors to observe a variety of trees and then encourage them to write a poem.

  • Invite children to choose a tree near their home, school, or local park for observation.
  • Ask children to spend time observing their tree from various perspectives; sitting against it, lying underneath it, walking around it, etc.
  • Using nature journals or notebooks, have children record words, ideas, and impressions that enter their minds.
  • Remind children to use their senses (touch, smell, sight, and sound… but not taste) to generate more words to describe their tree.
  • Finally, challenge children to convert their thoughts into one of the poetic forms provided. Later, you might ask them to explain which form they chose and why.

Download the Activity

Descarga la actividad en español: Poesía con árboles 


Get the Full Activity

This family activity is adapted from Project Learning Tree’s PreK-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide which can be obtained through an in-person professional development workshop or online course.

A Collection of Fun, Easy to Do Outdoor Activities for Families

Our 58-page guide contains 36 family activities to try while visiting a local park, walking in the forest, or exploring your backyard—plus activities to do around your home and indoors, when you can’t get outside.


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