
“I can’t wait to teach my students the standards in an awesome PLT way!!”

“[PLT is] highly engaging and employs skills from all content areas. Fabulous workshop—worth giving up a Saturday.”

“The greatest value of this training is having activities (aligned to standards) prepared thoroughly and ready to use with optional extensions.”

PLT workshops in Florida

View our Workshop Calendar and sign up for an upcoming event.

Can’t make it to an in-person workshop?

We also offer online courses.

Want to learn more about PLT in Florida?

Visit the Florida PLT Website and contact your PLT State Coordinators:

Leah Glynn
Florida PLT State Coordinator
School of Forest, Fisheries, & Geomatics Sciences
University of Florida/IFAS

PO Box 110410
Gainesville, FL 32611
Florida Facebook   Florida Twitter
[email protected]